The Architecture Campus of the Politecnico di Milano, inaugurated in 2021 in the presence of the highest offices in the State, originates from an idea by Renzo Piano, which was donated to the Politecnico di Milano and developed by ODB-OTTAVIO DI BLASI & Partners to rethink the via Bonardi spaces, adapting them to students’ needs and to the open, international and innovative spirit distinguishing the Politecnico University.
The project was marked by the erection of 4,200 m2 of new buildings which, starting below the street level, rise up to 3 floors above ground, hosting the Aula Magna, multifunctional classrooms, spaces for teaching and laboratories for Architecture.
Here, some hundreds of ScreenLine motorised Venetian blinds have been installed within Schüco façades consisting of specially extruded transverse-mullion system with minimalistic profiles.
Photo credits Daniele Domenicali
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